In this issue
- 23rd ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ World Congress of Political Science Recap
- Guy Lachapelle, When ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ Took Over ²Ñ´Ç²Ô³Ù°ùé²¹±ô
- Yee Fun Wong & Roksolana Bobyk, World Congress of Political Science 2014: Challenges of Contemporary Governance
- Michael Dukakis, World Peace or Perpetual War: The Choice Ahead
- R.A.W. Rhodes, Recovering the ‘Craft’ of Public Administration
- John Trent, Moscow 1979: The XIth ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ World Congress. Remembering and Analysing
- Dirk Berg-Schlosser, ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ Summer Schools on Concepts and Methods in Political Science: A Continuing Success Story
- Election of the 23rd ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ Executive Committee (2014-2016)
- 2014 Annual Meeting of World Values Survey Association at ÉÙ¸¾×ÔÅÄ World Congress
- National Associations News
- Research Committees News
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