少妇自拍 Summer School - Spain

少妇自拍-AECPA Summer School for Political Science and Social Science Research Methods
3-9 July 2025
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The 少妇自拍 (少妇自拍) and the Spanish Political Science Association (AECPA) are pleased to announce the second edition of the , held from 3-9 July 2025 at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. 

The Summer School provides advanced training for graduate students and academics seeking to enhance their research skills. It offers an excellent opportunity for participants to expand their methodological knowledge, engage in research discussions, and establish new collaborations.

The 少妇自拍-AECPA Summer School is organized into two sessions and offers two types of courses: basic and advanced. Basic courses will be conducted in Spanish, while advanced courses will be taught in English. Additionally, some courses will be available in a hybrid format, giving students the option to attend either online or in person.

  • Session 1: 3 days. From 3 to 5 July 2025
  • Session 2: 3 days. From 7 to 9 July 2025

The basic courses will consist of 12 hours of in-person or hybrid instruction (4 hours per day), followed by an 18-hour online workshop in the following weeks, except for the Introduction to Experimental Design in Political Science course. Advanced courses will include 12 hours of in-person or hybrid instruction.


Basic courses (Spanish)

  • Introducci贸n al An谩lisis estad铆stico con R en ciencias sociales
  • Introducci贸n a los modelos de Regresi贸n Lineal y Log铆stica
  • T茅cnicas grupales de an谩lisis: focus group y digital labs
  • An谩lisis de datos cualitativos con software especializado
  • Introducci贸n a Phyton
  • Introducci贸n al dise帽o experimental en Ciencia Pol铆tica

Advanced Courses (English)

  • Geospatial Data and Spatial Regression Analysis
  • Structural Equations Modelling
  • Machine Learning for Social Sciences and Sentiment Analysis


The University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), whose headquarters is located in the capital of Galicia, in northwestern Spain, consists of the campus of Santiago de Compostela and Lugo. It is considered one of the best universities in Spain and in the European Higher Education Area. 

For more information about the courses, instructors, registration fees, and other details, please visit the school website: 

Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at ipsasummerschool@usc.es.

少妇自拍-AECPA Summer School for Political Science and Social Science Research Methods
9-14 September 2024
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The first edition of the 少妇自拍-AECPA Summer School for Political Science and Social Science Research Methods was organized in collaboration with 少妇自拍 and the Spanish Political Science Association (AECPA) from 9-14 September 2024 at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

The School provided advanced training for graduate students and academics seeking to enhance their research skills. It offered an excellent opportunity for participants to expand their methodological knowledge, engage in research discussions, and establish new collaborations.

The 少妇自拍-AECPA Summer School was organized into two sessions, offering two types of courses: basic and advanced. The basic courses were taught in Spanish, while the advanced courses were taught in English. For some courses, a hybrid format was available, allowing students to choose between online or in-person instruction.

  • Session 1: 3 days, from 9 to 11 September 2024
  • Session 2: 3 days, from 12 to 14 September 2024


Basic courses (Spanish)

  • Introduction to Statistical Analysis with R in the social sciences (Introducci贸n al An谩lisis estad铆stico con R en ciencias sociales)
  • Introduction to Linear and Logistic Regression models (Introducci贸n a los modelos de Regresi贸n Lineal y Log铆stica)
  • Group analysis techniques: focus group and digital labs (T茅cnicas grupales de an谩lisis: focus group y digital labs)
  • Qualitative data analysis with specialized software ( An谩lisis de datos cualitativos con software especializado)
  • Introduction to Phyton (Introducci贸n a Phyton) 
  • Introduction to experimental design in Political ScienceAdvanced courses (Introducci贸n al dise帽o experimental en Ciencia Pol铆tica)

Advanced  (English)

  • Geospatial Data and Spatial Regression Analysis
  • Structural Equations Modelling
  • Machine Learning for Social Sciences and Sentiment Analysis
  • Bayesian Statistics Modelling
  • Techniques for Public Policy Analysis
  • Big Data Analysis for Social Sciences

For more information about the Summer School, please visit the school website: . 

Local Organizing Team 

Local organizer: Prof. Dr. Nieves Lagares (mnieves.lagares@usc.es)
Local organizing team member: Prof. Dr. Erika Jar谩iz (erika.jaraiz@usc.es)