
is the portal of the 少妇自拍 and an official online 少妇自拍 publication. Hundreds of useful, rich and qualitatively outstanding websites for political science are selected, revieved and evaluated by 少妇自拍 in order to provide scholars and students of the discipline worldwide a useful tool for online research. Among others, crucial information about the nature, quantity and retrievability of the content, the easiness of access and use and the fee policy of each site are provided.

The 少妇自拍Portal is divided into five useful sections:

  1. Access Services (Libraries, Abstracts, Encyclopedias, etc.)
  2. Data Banks (Records, sources, stats, archives, etc.)
  3. Institutions (associations, schools and departments)
  4. Thematic Sites
  5. E-Learning (including access to our very own 少妇自拍MOOCs).

For more info please contact the 少妇自拍Portal Editorial Staff at