IPSR - Volume 45, Number 5, November 2024

The latest issue of the International Political Science Review (Volume 45, Number 5, November 2024) features two compelling symposia. The first, edited by Yasmin Chilmeran, Summer Forester, Valentine Moghadam and Ora Szekely, analyzes the complex political and social dynamics of the Middle East and North Africa through a feminist international relations lens. The symposium explores the connections between gender politics in national contexts and international power structures, using case studies from Syria, Jordan, and Iraq.

The second symposium, edited by Gabriele Abbondanza and Thomas Wilkins, is also grounded in an international relations framework, with a focus on Europe’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific region. Using a tripartite theoretical model featuring the economy, security and norms, the symposium sheds light on German, British, Italian, and European Union approaches to the Indo-Pacific, one of the world’s geopolitical and geo-economic epicenters.

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Symposium: Feminist IR

Introduction: A feminist international relations approach to the Middle East/North Africa
Yasmin Chilmeran, Summer Forester, Valentine Moghadam and Ora Szekely

‘We’ve got this policy, now what?’ The security politics of implementing the Family Protection Law in Jordan
Summer Forester

Constructing the local woman peacebuilder in the Women, Peace and Security agenda: Iraqi women’s participation in local peacebuilding programmes
Yasmin Chilmeran

Women’s engagement with the Syrian opposition: Pathways, perspectives, and participation
Ora Szekely

Symposium: Europe in the Indo-Pacific: Promoting values and interests in a contested region

Europe in the Indo-Pacific: Economic, security, and normative engagement 
Gabriele Abbondanza and Thomas Wilkins

Germany and the Indo-Pacific in an age of superpower competition
Rafał Ulatowski

‘Tilting’ the balance? An evaluation of Britain’s strategic approach to the Indo-Pacific
Thomas Wilkins

Italy’s quiet pivot to the Indo-Pacific: Towards an Italian Indo-Pacific strategy
Gabriele Abbondanza

Ambition, meet reality: The European Union’s actorness in the Indo-Pacific
Gorana Grgić