Original Research Articles
Picturing deliberation: How dissatisfied citizens make sense of it
Ramon van der Does and Guillaume Petit
Party policy responsiveness at the agenda-setting and decision-making stages: The mediating effect of the types of government and promise
Ana Maria Belchior, Hugo Ferrinho Lopes, LuÃs Cabrita and Emmanouil Tsatsanis
An urban myth? Government involvement in the economy and left–right politics
Jesper Lindqvist
The presence of a social context increases support for redistribution: Inequality aversion and risk aversion
Junko Kato and Hirofumi Takesue
Politics on the stock market? Political investorism as a form of political participation
Henrik Serup Christensen and Anton Brännlund
The COVID-19 pandemic and the electoral performance of governing parties in electoral democracies
Yen-Pin Su and Ekaterina R Rashkova
Does it pay to think about the future? Future orientation, ideology, age and vote earning among political candidates
Annika Lindholm, Lauri Rapeli and Ã…sa von Schoultz
Healthy citizens, healthy democracies? A review of the literature
Elisabeth Gidengil and Hanna Wass