Introduction to Pippa Norris, ‘Do public perceptions of electoral malpractice undermine democratic satisfaction? The US in comparative perspective’
Marian Sawer and Theresa Reidy
Do perceptions of electoral malpractice undermine democratic satisfaction? The US in comparative perspective
Pippa Norris
Towards inclusive peace: Analysing gender-sensitive peace agreements 2000–2016
Jacqui True and Yolanda Riveros-Morales
Do discussions in like-minded groups necessarily lead to more extreme opinions? Deliberative democracy and group polarization
Kim Strandberg, Staffan Himmelroos and Kimmo Grönlund
Ethnicity and religiosity-based prejudice in Turkey: Evidence from a survey experiment
S. Erdem Aytaç and Ali Çarkoğlu
Big government sentiment and support for protectionism in East Asia
Wen-Chin Wu
Electing women to new Arab assemblies: The roles of gender ideology, Islam, and tribalism in Oman
Ahlam Khalfan Al Subhi and Amy Erica Smith
Do the welfare benefits weaken the economic vote? A cross-national analysis of the welfare state and economic voting
Brandon Beomseob Park and Jungsub Shin
Decentralization reforms in dictatorial regimes as a survival strategy: Evidence from Pakistan
Ghazia Aslam