Which way from left to right? On the relation between voters’ issue preferences and left–right orientation in West European democracies
Romain Lachat
Local–national political trust patterns: Why China is an exception
Cary Wu and Rima Wilkes
Delegative democratic attitudes: Theory and evidence from the Asian barometer survey
Youngho Kang and Dongwon Lee
Selective history and hegemony-making: The case of Singapore
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah
What should a Russian father be like? Exploring fatherhood norms and identifying norm patterns among inhabitants of Saint Petersburg
Pelle Ã…berg, Joakim Ekman and Johnny Rodin
Testing the limits of the politics of recognition: Fox hunters in the United Kingdom
Katherine Curchin
An umbrella of legitimacy: Rebel faction size and external military intervention
Levente Szentkirályi and Michael Burch
Four worlds of productivity growth: A comparative analysis of human capital investment policy and productivity growth outcomes
Takayuki Sakamoto
Diversification and democracy
Ivar Kolstad and Arne Wiig