Special Issue: Diasporas and Sending States in World Politics
Guest Editor : Maria Koinova and Gerasimos Tsourapas
How do countries of origin engage migrants and diasporas? Multiple actors and comparative perspectives
Maria Koinova and Gerasimos Tsourapas
The limits of sending-state power: The Philippines, Sri Lanka, and female migrant domestic workers
Patrick R Ireland
Caught between nationalism and transnationalism: How Central and East European states respond to East–West emigration
Myra A Waterbury
Weak by design? Diaspora engagement and institutional change in Croatia and Serbia
Sarah Garding
States or parties? Emigrant outreach and transnational engagement
Katrina Burgess
Endorsers, challengers or builders? Political parties’ diaspora outreach in a post-conflict state
Maria Koinova
Authoritarian emigration states: Soft power and cross-border mobility in the Middle East
Gerasimos Tsourapas