Special Issue: State capacity, elections and the resilience of authoritarian rule
Guest Editor : Olli Hellmann and Aurel Croissant
Introduction: State capacity and elections in the study of authoritarian regimes
Aurel Croissant and Olli Hellmann
State capacity and the resilience of electoral authoritarianism: Conceptualizing and measuring the institutional underpinnings of autocratic power
Jonathan K Hanson
Electoral authoritarianism and economic control
Merete Bech Seeberg
Strong states, weak elections? How state capacity in authoritarian regimes conditions the democratizing power of elections
Carolien van Ham and Brigitte Seim
High capacity, low resilience: The ‘developmental’ state and military–bureaucratic authoritarianism in South Korea
Olli Hellmann
Authoritarian elections, state capacity, and performance legitimacy: Phases of regime consolidation and decline in Suharto’s Indonesia
Marcus Mietzner
State and regime capacity in authoritarian elections: Egypt before the Arab spring
Kevin Koehler
Electoral authoritarianism and weak states in Africa: The role of parties versus presidents in Tanzania and Cameroon
Yonatan L Morse
State capacity and regime resilience in Putin’s Russia
David White
Karl Deutsch Lecture
Introduction to Rein Taagepera, ‘Science walks on two legs, but social sciences try to hop on one’
Mark Kesselman, Marian Sawer and Theresa Reidy
Science walks on two legs, but social sciences try to hop on one
Rein Taagepera