Crossed my mind, but ruled it out: Political ambition and gender in the Pakistani Lawyers’ Movement 2007–2009
Meg Rincker, Ghazia Aslam and Mujtaba Isani
Justices ‘en Garde’: Ideological determinants of the dissolution of anti-establishment parties
Mert Moral and Efe Tokdemir
Citizens’ media use and the accuracy of their perceptions of electoral integrity
Hilde Coffé
Public spending, corruption, and income inequality: A comparative analysis of Asia and Latin America
Mathew YH Wong
Motivating cosmopolitan helping: Thick cosmopolitanism, responsibility for harm, and collective guilt
Nicholas Faulkner
Regime legitimation, elite cohesion and the durability of autocratic regime types
Steffen Kailitz and Daniel Stockemer
Corruption, fairness, and inequality
Gal Ariely and Eric M. Uslaner
Political militaries in popular uprisings: A comparative perspective on the Arab Spring
Kevin Koehler
Does exposure to other cultures affect the impact of economic globalization on gender equality?
Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom, Sharon Gilad and Michael Freedman