RC19 - Gender Politics and Policy


Dr. Débora Thomé, Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil
Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Av. Paulista, 542 - 4º andar
São Paulo


Board members

Prof. Malliga Och, United States, Denison University, ochm@denison.edu
Prof. Katrine Beauregard, Australia, Australian National University, katrine.beauregard@anu.edu.au
Prof. Chang-Ling Huang, Taiwan, National Taiwan University, changlinghuang@gmail.com
Prof. Josefina Erikson, Sweden, Upsala University, josefina.erikson@statsvet.uu.se
Prof. Sarah Liu, Great Britain, University of Edinburgh, sarah.liu@ed.ac.uk
Prof. Marjeta Sinko, Croatia, Zagreb University, marjeta.sinko@fpzg.hr
Prof. Olena Hankivsky, Canada, Simon Fraser University, olena@sfu.ca
Prof. Ana Laura Rodriguez Gusta, Argentina, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, ana_laura_gusta@yahoo.es
Prof. Vanja Petričević, United States, Florida Gulf Coast University, vpetricevic@fgcu.edu
Prof. Anna Kuteleva, United Kingdom, University of Wolverhampton,  a.kuteleva@gmail.com
Ana Luísa Melo Ferreira, United States, University of Florida, ameloferreira@ufl.edu
Agata Rydzewska, Poland, University of Warsaw, a.rydzewska14@uw.edu.pl



Recognized as a study group in 1976; granted research committee status in 1979.



Addresses a broad array of issues involving gender and politics, major themes of focus to date including political participation of women; women and public policy in comparative perspective; women in public administration; women and politics in third world countries; women, religion and politics; the role of legislation and the status of women; women and the transition to democracy; strategies for the empowerment of women; feminist theory; women and nationalism; eco-feminism; and the global women’s movement and international relations.

