Special Issue: The Politics of Climate Change
Guest Editors: Jale Tosun and B. Guy Peters
Special Issue Introduction
The politics of climate change: Domestic and international responses to a global challenge
Jale Tosun and B. Guy Peters
Special Issue Articles
Party competition on climate policy: The roles of interest groups, ideology and challenger parties in the UK and Ireland
Neil Carter and Conor Little
Policy styles, opportunity structures and proportionality: Comparing renewable electricity policies in the UK
Merethe Dotterud Leiren, Tor HÃ¥kon Jackson Inderberg and Tim Rayner
The politics of climate change in a neo-developmental state: The case of South Korea
Thomas Kalinowski
Policy implications of climate change denial: Content analysis of Russian national and regional news media
Dmitry Yagodin
Policy opinion in policy contexts. A comparative analysis of domestic energy policies and individual policies and individual policy preferences in Europe
Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen and Christina Eder
National interests and coalition positions on climate change: A text-based analysis
Paula Castro
The Clean Energy Ministerial: Motivation for and policy consequences of membership
Jale Tosun and Adrian Rinscheid
Capacity building for proportionate climate policy: Lessons from India and South Africa
Prabhat Upadhyaya, Manish Kumar Shrivastava, Ganesh Gorti and Saliem Fakir