Vale Jean Laponce 1925–2016
Theresa Reidy and Marian Sawer
The perils of semi-presidentialism: Confidence in political institutions in contemporary democracies
Yüksel Alper Ecevit and Ekrem Karakoç
Do campaigns matter outside the United States? Equilibrium and enlightenment in Korean presidential elections
Jeonghun Min and Paul-Henri Gurian
Presidential survival in South America: Rethinking the role of democracy
Christopher A MartÃnez
Power calculations and political decentralisation in African post-conflict states
Lovise Aalen and Ragnhild Louise Muriaas
Why do states change positions in the United Nations General Assembly?
Samuel Brazys and Diana Panke
Paying attention and the incumbency effect: Voting behavior in the 2014 Toronto Municipal Election
Aaron A Moore, R Michael McGregor and Laura B Stephenson
Justifying the constitutional regulation of political parties: A framework for analysis
Gabriela Borz
From polarisation to pluralisation: A deliberative approach to illiberal cultures
Selen A Ercan
Regional party networks and the limits of democratic norm diffusion in Southeast Asia
Dirk Tomsa