Who to punish? Retrospective voting and knowledge of government composition in a multiparty system
Lauri Rapeli
The effects of inter-state conflicts on foreign investment flows to the developing world: Enduring vs ephemeral risk of conflicts
Dongkyu Kim
Political parties and citizenship legislation change in EU28 countries, 1992–2013
Djordje Sredanovic
Policy choices in tough times: The case of democratization and currency defense
Byunghwan Son
Electoral authoritarianism and political unrest
Ryan Shirah
Do economic sanctions impair target economies?
Geiguen Shin, Seung-Whan Choi, and Shali Luo
Sustained vs episodic mobilization among conflict-generated diasporas
Maria Koinova
Political and economic accountability in a delegative democracy
Rollin F Tusalem
Remarkable economic growth, but so what? The impacts of modernization on Chinese citizens’ political satisfaction
Yida Zhai
Electoral systems, ethnic cleavages and experience with democracy
Christopher D Raymond, Michael Huelshoff, and Marc R Rosenblum